How To Spruce Up Your Garden This Summer

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Your garden is a place to enjoy the smells, sights, and joys that such a space around your home has to offer. Sprucing up your garden is something that you definitely want to keep up with, especially as the summer is in full swing.
Whether you’ve got green thumbs or you’re limited on what time you do have, it’s worth taking the time to update your garden so all of your family households can enjoy it. With that being said, here are some top tips to spruce up your garden this summer.

How To Spruce Up Your Garden

Invest in the right gardening tools

Gardening tools are something you want to prioritize when it comes to sprucing up your garden. There are lots of garden tools that are basic and that most people are likely to already have. From trowels to wheelbarrows and gardening stools, these are all basics that you should have in order to prune your garden.

Of course, there’s a lot more out there that you can get and is worth investing in. However, it’s worth assessing how much you want to incorporate into the garden and how much of this can be done either by hand or with the basic tools. If you’re lacking the tools that you need to make your garden look fantastic, then it’s worth making that investment before you get started.

Do your research on different plants and flower

There are lots of different plants and flowers to choose from when it comes to your garden. With that being said, it’s useful to do your research, especially if you’re new to gardening. Not all plants are going to be easy to grow and some might require a certain environment and condition to be fully effective.

Therefore, it’s worth doing your research in order to purchase the right plants and flowers for the garden. Consider the amount of space that each plant needs, especially if you’re looking to plant something that will grow into a large area, like a tree for example. For adding structure to your garden, planting something like sunshine ligustrum is worthwhile.

It’s also worth noting that we’re in an age where simply searching for generic advice on plant and flower choices for your garden is no longer the only option. You can now get AI answers to gardening questions, providing a totally tailored response to your needs and letting you ramp up your research while also getting specific assistance. So don’t be shy about taking the tech-enhanced approach to sprucing up your green spaces this summer!

Create raised beds for growing food

If you’re looking for a challenge, then you definitely want to consider adding raised beds to your garden. This is great for when you’re looking to grow your own food in the backyard. Whether it’s herbs, spices, fruits, or vegetables, there is a lot that you can grow yourself in your garden.

Of course, it’s a challenge that requires a lot more time and dedication to your garden space but if you’re up for saving some money by harvesting your own food, then it’s well worth doing.

Raised beds are easy to create and all you need is the right structure to contain the patch and enough soil that it provides plenty of height to keep nasty bugs and pests away.

You can even make your own vegetable garden stakes to help identify your plants.

Again, it’s worth exploring what equipment and tools you’ll need to get started on your own fruit or veg patch, but it’s fairly self-explanatory online. You may also want to consider what foods you start with and how much space each will need in the bed itself.

Add in a water feature or two

Water features are lovely elements to your garden worth adding in. Bird baths are great for attracting local wildlife to your garden, as well as small water fountains. You may also want to consider adding a pond to your garden. This is a bit more of a project and might need reinforcing when you have young children or pets roaming around.

However, adding a pond into the space with some fresh fish can be a great way to add something extra to the space. Not only that but it will encourage even more wildlife to flock to your garden. 

Paint your fencing to add a pop of color

Finally, a great way to spruce up your garden is to paint your fencing. Fencing is something that you could definitely update, especially when the color of your current fencing becomes a little faded.

Consider what fencing material you have and what type of paint you’re using. You definitely want to have paint that’s weather resistant so that it lasts for a lot longer. Make sure you’re painting your fencing every couple of years. For some, that frequency might not be needed as often.

If you’re looking to spruce up your garden this summer, maximize these tips to transform it from its current state to something you’ll love to spend time in.

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