Homemade Dishwasher Cleaner

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Homemade Dishwasher Cleaner


More Frugal Tips/From Our Readers /Guest Post

 Since working from home , I have started making a lot of changes in my cleaning habits.Instead of using a lot of chemicals, I have been looking for better ways to clean my kitchen. Today we are going to talk about cleaning your dishwasher with homemade dishwasher cleaner. Appliances are so expensive and taking care of them properly will help you keep them longer.

Make sure your dishwasher is empty and check all around the drain to make sure there are no food particles. Then grab a dishwasher safe cup and add  a1/2  a cup of white vinegar  and place in the top rack of your dishwasher.  then turn on your dishwasher and run it through once on the hottest cycle. This will actually help loosen any of that grit and grime.

Then sprinkle about a cup of baking soda all around the bottom of your dishwasher. Then again run it through a short cycle on the hottest temp. This will help remove any stains and brighten up your dishwasher. Follow us on Facebook for more DIY Ideas!

What do you use baking soda for?

Check our post on using Vinegar as a rinse aid as well as our other frugal tips.

Thanks Princess Lacey for the awesome photo & Queen Mum for the tip!



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  1. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but around the bottom of my dishwasher door is yucky black grease. I bet if you look, you might have it, too. It’s not obvious unless you really look for it. Any other hints of what i might use on it?

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