My Favorite Mystery Shopping Companies

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In an earlier post I described what Mystery Shopping was and what was involved with being a mystery shopper.  Many of you wanted to know about companies that have quality mystery
shops and how to sign up for them.  There are MANY mystery shopping companies out there.  I am just compiling a list of some of my favorites.

My favorite Mystery Shopping Companies-

Ath power This company primarily does banking shops. I like this since many of the shops do not require me to spend any money.  A popular one is to go to your normal bank and do a teller transaction or a drive thru transaction (limited banks).  I have also gone in to a bank and asked questions about CD’s and opening new accounts.  My “proof” was a scanned copy of a business card or flyer.

A Closer Look

Amusement Advantage  This company deals with amusement parks and various other attractions.


Beyond Hello


EPMS   This company deals with apartment complexes.  I like this one also since it does not require me to spend any money.

Focus on Service



Kern Scheduling


Ritter & Associates

Remember each Mystery Shopping Company is going to want you to provide an essay or other writing sample.  Be sure to write it in Word or another program that can check your  spelling and grammar for you.

Many companies will also ask for your social security number.  Remember they are hiring you.  You will be an Independent Contractor but if you work enough you could get a Form 1099 from them.  The Social Security Number also helps insure that they are only hiring US Citizens.

If you are looking for any other mystery shopping companies you can also Google Mystery Shopping Companies and get many listed.  If you have questions on if they are a good company just ask.  If I listed every company this post would never get up!

Remember Mystery Shopping seems like a simple thing to do, however, it is still a job and requires certain things to be done at a set time.  If you cannot get the items done it is best to contact the scheduler rather than not do the assignment.  Missing or incomplete assignments is a good way to not be offered any more shops!




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