New Jenny Craig 5 Day Weight Loss Starter Kit
Disclosure: “I was provided a free Jenny Craig Weight Loss Starter Kit. However, the opinions expressed are entirely my own.” @Walmart #JennyCraigKit
It's January and that means a lot of you are making new goals and for many of you that includes diet and exercise. I totally fall into this category but for me I can tell you it already hasn't been easy. As a busy my mom my life is a little crazy, running my own business, being a caregiver and tackling the lifestyle of three teenagers. Sometimes I get caught off guard and forget to eat until I realize it because I am starving so I am grabbing whatever I can find that's in reach. Sometimes even when I think I am doing well, I find myself hungry because I am eating lots of salad, yogurt etc but not getting enough protein. Many of you may also be having the same struggles. I wish there was someone that could plan out my meals for me with the perfect portions and nutrition I need to help me lose weight so that I don't even have to think about it. Then something magical happened. I received an email from Jenny Craig asking me if I would like to try their new 5 day weightless starter kit. Uh….. YES PLEASE!
For the first time ever, Jenny Craig will offer a 5 day weight loss starter kit exclusively at Walmart! The kit samples 20 menu items…the perfect way to test drive Jenny Craig. In the kit is a free month of consultations for any Jenny Craig center in the US (or via telephone at Jenny Craig anywhere) and a $50 food credit when you sign up with Jenny Craig. You can find the kit at your local Walmart in the diet/weight loss aisle.
So this week I gave it a try and I really loved the snacks, because honestly that is what gets me in trouble and the meals were portable enough that I could take them with me on the go!