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Edible Snowman Ear Muffs with Hostess

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Edible Snowman Earmuffs

Disclosure: “This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Hostess blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.”

Do you wanna build a snowman? I know… I know you have probably been listening to your kids singing this over and over again but what if you could actually help build them a snowman and then let them eat it? I am lover of all things that have to do with a snowman. I have a huge collection of them that I put out during Christmas and so when I was challenged by Hostess to make a fun holiday creation out of some of their featured products I already knew what the theme was going to be. I ran to my local Walmart to pick up all of the ingredients I need to make this cute Edible Snowman Ear Muffs recipe that I know you are going to love.  We would love you to repin our recipe here and follow us on Pinterest.

What you need to buy:

  • Hostess Snowballs
  • Chocolate Chips (snowman eyes)
  • Mini Chocolate Chips (snowman smile)
  • Candy Corn (snowman nose) (if you can't find candy corn use orange tic tacs)
  • Sour Straws
  • Smuckers plate scrapers (chocolate) or chocolate frosting
Edible Snowman Earmuffs 2

How to:

This is so simple. I basically arranged the chocolate chips and candy corn on the snowman like I wanted then squeezed a little of the Smuckers chocolate plate scrapers on the back of each to help them stick but you could use frosting if you wish. I then let them dry for about 5 mins. Then I took a knife and poked a whole in the top of each snowball and stuck the sour straws down in the holes connecting the snowballs together. Viola! You are done.

More Holiday Favorites

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